The Research Software Engineer (RSE) movement started in the UK in 2012 with the Society of RSE. Their goal is to make known the work of Research Software Engineers in Universities and industry. In 2024 EPFL and ETHZ started an effort to organize the RSE community in Switzerland.
Scroll down for a definition of an RSE and how to participate.
Upcoming meetings
- 2024-10-31 - RSE Lunch
All Posts and Events
- 2024-10-02 - RSE Lightning Talks October
- 2024-08-20 - RSE Lunch
- 2024-07-10 - RSE Lightning Talks - presentations
- 2024-06-11 - First RSE lunch
- 2024-05-23 - Zenodo for long-term preservation of your research code
- 2024-05-08 - Recap Kickoff meeting
- 2024-04-18 - Recap Open Source Services Meet-Up Spring '24
- 2024-03-12 - Summary of the preparation meeting
- 2024-03-05 - Kickoff preparation meeting
What is an RSE?
Quoting UK-RSE:Regardless of your formal job title, if you answer yes to many of the following questions, you are doing the work of a Research Software Engineer:
- Are you employed to develop software for research?
- Are you spending more time developing software than conducting research?
- Are you employed as a postdoctoral researcher, even though you predominantly work on software development?
- Are you the person who does computers in your research group?
- Are you sometimes not named on research papers despite playing a fundamental part in developing the software used to create them?
- Do you lack the metrics needed to progress your academic career, like papers and conference presentations, despite having made a significant contribution through software?
A team comprised of C4DT, ENAC-IT4R, and SCITAS started discussing how to set up a kickoff meeting. You can find more information on our first blogpost.
To participate, you currently have two options:
- Join our channel on matrix: RSE-EPFL or the RSE-CH space
- Join our mailing list: RSE-digest
Looking forward to seeing you!